Understanding the Veterans Restorative Justice Act
Evan C. Tsai
Sep 01, 2022
Protecting our communities by serving our veterans.
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  • Military and Veterans Law
The bar exam considered
Carol Chomsky, Dena Sonbol, and Tyler Wessman-Conroy
Sep 01, 2022
A law professor, a law school administrator, and a recent examinee share their views of the present-day test. Is this still how we should be licensing lawyers?
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  • Law School
Road to Nowhere: A 2022 Minnesota legislative session recap
Bryan Lake
Jul 26, 2022
The wisdom of a balanced approach is evident in many areas of life. Unfortunately, at the state Capitol, a historic budget surplus was not enough to balance significant partisan differences.
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The lawyer as an inclusive leader
Dr. Artika Tyner
Jul 26, 2022
How can lawyers take intentional action for justice and equity? In Dr. Artika Tyner's latest book, she provides a pathway for lawyers to effect change by engaging in a process of self-reflection, grappling with unconscious biases, fostering innovation, and taking action for the betterment of society.
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  • Diversity and Inclusion
SPAC-tacular—The rise of SPACs and corresponding developments in securities litigation
Bryce Riddle and Kyle Willems
Jul 26, 2022
Special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) are shell companies that raise capital in initial public offerings for the purpose of merging with or acquiring a privately held company. This article examines what SPACs are and discusses current legal trends that have arisen in the SPAC space.
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The three Cs of legal technology and ethics
Kristi Paulson
Jul 26, 2022
The evolving technology of the modern law office is rapidly redefining how and where we work. But while the habits and habitats of contemporary law practice have changed, the Rules of Professional Conduct and our obligations as lawyers under these rules have not. Let’s take a look at the three Cs of legal technology and ethics: competence, confidentiality and communication.
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  • Technology
Building a better bar admissions process
Leanne Fuith
Jul 26, 2022
A look at what the Minnesota State Board of Law Examiners is doing in its two-year study of the bar exam—and what other jurisdictions are considering.
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The uses and misuses of shall
Ian Lewenstein
Jun 30, 2022
All lawyers are intimately familiar with shall. Even before law school, most lawyers are introduced to the word, which sits prominently in the public domain in legal documents and corporate speak. Through osmosis, shall becomes entrenched as a cornerstone of a lawyer’s lexicon. But should it?
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Ending forced arbitration
Laura Farley
Jun 30, 2022
On March 3, 2022, President Biden signed into law the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act (H.R. 4445). Courts will be tasked with interpreting the Act to consider what claims it covers and its applicability to existing claims.
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Answering the call
Amy Lindgren
Jun 30, 2022
For Paul Peterson, 2022-2023 president of the Minnesota State Bar Association, being a lawyer is more than a job. As Bill Harper, his law partner at Harper & Peterson, PLLC, says, “It’s a calling. He knows he’s doing what he’s supposed to be doing.”
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Major changes coming to HIPAA privacy rules in 2022
Gregory J. Myers, David W. Asp, and Develyn J. Mistriotti
Jun 30, 2022
In January 2021, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed revisions and additions to HIPAA and HITECH’s protected health information (PHI) and privacy regulations. This article details the proposed rule’s alterations to the HIPAA landscape and the major implications for health care entities and patients.
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Not immune from change
Jack Finck and Colin Hunter Hargreaves
Jun 01, 2022
A guide to approaching ADA medical accommodation requests to telework by immunocompromised employees in light of the covid-19 pandemic.
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  • Employment Law
Hiding in plain sight
Natalie Netzel
Jun 01, 2022
Vicarious trauma is just part of the job for many lawyers. Time to talk—and do—more about it.
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  • Mental Health
  • Wellbeing
The shield of judicial immunity protects receivers
George H. Singer
Jun 01, 2022
The United States Supreme Court recently declined to second-guess a decision from the Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit, which had determined that court-appointed bankruptcy receivers are entitled to quasi-judicial immunity when they act within the court’s authority.
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  • Courts
On square pegs and round holes: Understanding neurodiversity
Robert M. Schuneman
Apr 01, 2022
Haley Moss, an attorney and neurodiversity movement advocate, defines neurodiversity as an understanding that “we all have different brains. We all think differently, and no two people experience the world in the exact same way.”
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  • Diversity and Inclusion
Minnesota courts embrace technology to enhance access, convenience, and transparency
Chief Justice Lorie S. Gildea
Apr 01, 2022
Court user-driven technologies remain a top priority for the courts and a driving force behind our work to continue modernizing how we operate.
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  • Courts
Minnesota cannabis law and the battle over hemp derivatives
Mar 04, 2022
Here in Minnesota adult-use marijuana remains illegal and likely will remain illegal for the near future. Why? It’s complicated.
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  • Legislation
Esquire this and Esq. that. Or: A stuffy, didactic trifle under 1,000 words
Mar 04, 2022
In 2015, when I still had some green behind my ears—and not nearly the size of paunch that I now boast (the kind you can rest a Big Gulp on whilst second-chairing)—I wrote a short piece on the topic of the honorific title “esquire.” It appears that “esquire” is a kind of Hydra, capable of growth at treble rates.
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  • Practice Pointers
Revisiting Minnesota’s 60-Day Rule and building permit applications
Julie N. Nagorski
Mar 04, 2022
Most cities and most practitioners believe that while the 60-Day Rule requires government to take prompt action on applications of many sorts, it does not apply to building permit applications. This belief needs a re-examination.
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  • Construction Law
What happens when property owners don’t pay their property taxes?
Melitta Drechsler
Mar 04, 2022
What happens to nonpayers of property taxes is a question many property owners—those with mortgages—have little reason to consider. Banks and mortgage companies often collect the money to pay for property taxes from mortgage payments and save that money in an escrow account.
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  • Real Property
  • Tax Law