New Lawyers

Who We Are | Our Mission

The MSBA New Lawyers Section is comprised of attorneys who were admitted to practice within the past six years or who are less than 36 years of age, as well as law students.

The Section's efforts focus on professional development, community outreach, and networking. Our mission is to represent and promote involvement of new lawyers in the MSBA through organizational, educational, and networking opportunities.

Our goals :

  • Elevate the voices and perspectives of new lawyers and law students within the organization
  • Increase the membership and participation of new lawyers and law students
  • Develop and effectuate membership benefits to support new lawyers and law students
  • Provide opportunities for legal education and career growth

What We Do | Section Benefits and Activities

  • Professional development through leadership opportunities, education, networking, and public service.
  • Establishing a network of support and resources for new lawyers as they navigate their early years of practice.
  • Participation in the leadership of MSBA and opportunities to influence the direction of the profession.
  • Opportunities to contribute to the betterment of the legal profession and the community through community and public service initiatives.
  • Opportunities to represent the Section at the national level through attendance at American Bar Association meetings and conferences.