Felons Can't Vote: Civil Death in the US
Ellen J. Kennedy and Judge Tara Kalar
Feb 27, 2023
The United States is the only democracy in the world in which most convicted offenders who have served their prison sentences are denied the right to vote for many years, and in some cases for the rest of their lives. We examine this phenomenon globally, in the US, and in Minnesota, where the 2023 Legislature was poised to act as this issue went to press.
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  • Legislation
Building a more accessible bar
Moderated and introduced by Ann Motl
Jan 30, 2023
A roundtable conversation featuring members of the Minnesota Disability Bar Association.
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  • Diversity and Inclusion
Minnesota Supreme Court recognizes the common interest doctrine
Jan 30, 2023
All federal appellate courts, and most states—including, at long last, Minnesota—have now recognized the doctrine. Yet despite its wide acceptance, the common interest doctrine varies in important ways across jurisdictions.
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  • Courts
Live Wire: The law, Orthodox Judaism, and Minnesota’s eruvim
Judah A. Druck
Jan 30, 2023
What is this odd tradition? How does it work? And given that the wire often encroaches upon public land and requires government approval, how can the eruv function without violating the First Amendment? This article explores and answers these questions, including the ways in which the eruv has been litigated and how it might impact Minnesota’s own eruvim.
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  • Land Use Law
  • Public Law
Inside ADR’s Minnesota rules reset
Kristi Paulson
Jan 30, 2023
This article, the first of two, will provide an overview of the new rules and a general discussion of key aspects of those rules. It is not an exhaustive treatment of the changes, however, and it is not a substitute for reading the new Rule 114 in its entirety. Part two will focus on what practitioners need to know about the Code of Ethics and the ADR Ethics Board.
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  • ADR
For trial lawyers, the generalist is the best specialist
Justice G. Barry Anderson and Jevon Bindman
Dec 01, 2022
Rather than complain about declining civil trial work or point to some earlier, more propitious time, this article recognizes the current legal landscape and discusses how attorneys can develop trial skills in an increasingly specialized world.
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  • Civil Litigation
The new world of NIL in Minnesota
Michael T. Burke and Amber D. Crow
Dec 01, 2022
How student-athletes can navigate the system of name, image, and likeness rights in high school and beyond
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  • Sports & Entertainment Law
Something to chew on: How newly legal THC edibles interact with Minnesota employment laws
Shawn J. Wanta and Susan E. Ellingstad
Dec 01, 2022
Minnesota has one of the most restrictive drug and alcohol testing statutes in the country. It also has a statute protecting the rights of Minnesota employees to consume all legal food and beverages outside of working hours with very few limitations by employers.
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  • Food & Drug Law
Have no fear, hyphens are here
Ian Lewenstein
Dec 01, 2022
Lawyers, whether or not by their own admission, aren’t the best punctuators. True, this lawyerly difficulty extends to other professionals. But because drafting and editing sit at the core of a lawyer’s work, proper punctuation skills are a must.
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  • Legal Writing
Employment Practices Liability insurance demystified
Britton D. Weimer
Dec 01, 2022
Employment Practices Liability (EPL) insurance funds most judgments and settlements in employee suits against small and mid-sized employers. Thus, it is crucial for both plaintiff’s attorneys and defense counsel to understand the scope of the typical EPL insurance policy.
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  • Employment and Labor Law
Minnesota after Dobbs
Sharon Van Dyck and Scott Wilson
Nov 01, 2022
Understanding the state Constitution’s protections for reproductive rights.
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  • Legislation
Dobbs and minority rule: The view from Minnesota
Scott Wilson and Sharon Van Dyck
Nov 01, 2022
Most Americans support the right to an abortion, but in the Upper Midwest, Minnesota is isolated in its protection of that right.
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  • Legislation
Minnesota should strengthen its protection for reproductive liberty
Laura Hermer
Nov 01, 2022
Now that Roe and Casey have been overturned, our state constitution unquestionably offers more expansive protection for Minnesotans’ right to an abortion under the right of privacy. Yet Minnesotans who care about retaining robust privacy rights may reasonably be concerned about ensuring the protection of their right to an abortion and other privacy rights over time.
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  • Legislation
Wage Theft: New law and enforcement efforts implicate compliance & ethics challenges
Nov 01, 2022
There are three main characters in wage theft stories: the deliberate criminals, the unawares, and the cleans. This article focuses on the middle group in the construction industry.
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  • Construction Law
  • Employment and Labor Law
Courtrooms without borders
Mike Mosedale
Oct 04, 2022
Remote court proceedings are here to stay. What does that mean for lawyers, clients, and courts? What is gained? What is lost?
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  • Courts
Remote pro bono work changes the game
Sarah Etheridge
Oct 04, 2022
Three veteran attorneys share advice on building client bonds virtually.
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  • Pro Bono
Rural Minnesota needs pro bono lawyers. It’s easier than ever to help.
Daniel Morris
Oct 04, 2022
This pivot to technology has increased capacity for legal aid and expanded the way pro bono work can be done.
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  • Pro Bono
A ‘bright-line’ rule: You will pay for violating bankruptcy stay
George H. Singer
Oct 04, 2022
The Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit recently established a “bright-line rule” in a case of first impression: If the debtor is named as a defendant in a prepetition lawsuit, the automatic stay operates to halt further proceedings.
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  • Bankruptcy
How FAR can covid-19 be claimed as an excusable delay for federal contractors?
Rachel Lantz
Oct 04, 2022
This article was the 2022 winner of the MSBA Construction Law Section’s annual writing contest.
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  • Construction Law
Getting paid with Crypto
Sep 01, 2022
The legal ethics issues you need to know: Attorneys and firms considering whether to accept cryptocurrency as payment should keep in mind the fluctuation of value tied to these digital assets.
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