Marty Helle
| Hoversten Johnson Beckmann & Hovey LLP
| District G Representative
Past Chair
Robert Russell
| Robert L Russell Law Office
| Past Chair, Title Standards Committee Co-Chair
Amber Hildebrandt
| Brouse Woodke & Hildebrandt PLLP (Bemidji)
| District F Representative
John Koneck
| Fredrikson & Byron PA (Minneapolis)
| Pro Bono Committee Chair
Jennifer Lappegaard
| Speight Anderson & Lappegaard PA
| Residential Real Estate Committee Chair
Scott Lucas
| LeVander Gillen & Miller PA
| District A Representative
John Melchert
| Melchert Hubert Sjodin PLLP (Waconia)
| District C Representative
David Meyers
| Rinke Noonan Ltd
| Co-Chair Real Estate Institute
Alison Schubring
| Hennepin County Examiner of Titles Office
| Title Standards Committee Co-Chair
Andrew Shaw
| Law Office of Shaw & Shaw PA
| District E Representative
Sene Zupke
| Kraft Walser Law Office PLLP (Olivia)
| District H Representative
Todd Ahlquist
| Ahlquist & Wiltrout PC
| Certification Committee Vice-Chair
Thomas Bray
| Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP (Minneapolis)
| MCIOA Committee Chair
Amy Byrne
| Hellmuth & Johnson PLLC
| District A Representative
Angela Christy
| Ballard Spahr LLP
| Real Estate Insitute Committee Co-Chair
Alicia Cope
| Cope & Peterson Ltd
| District E Representative
Susan Dege
| Jovanovich Dege & Athmann PA
| District F Representative
Kevin Dunlevy
| LeVander Gillen & Miller PA
| Legislative Co-Chair and Legislative Rep
Robert Goode
| Runchey Louwagie & Wellman PLLP
| District H Representative