2024 - 2025 Section Council

Governing Council


Laura Matson | Lockridge Grindal Nauen PLLP

Amelia Vohs | Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy

Sam Ketchum | Kennedy & Graven Chartered

Past Chair
Brian Bell | Dorsey & Whitney LLP (Minneapolis)

Thomas Braun | Stoel Rives LLP
Kenneth Podpeskar | 3M Company
Lindsey Remakel | Fredrikson & Byron PA (Minneapolis)
Elizabeth Schmiesing | Winthrop & Weinstine PA
Jeffery Sepesi | Environmental Law and Science PLLC
Rachel Kitze Collins | Lockridge Grindal Nauen PLLP
Elise Larson | Minnesota Court of Appeals
Andrew Davis | Stinson LLP (Minneapolis)
Devin Driscoll | Fredrikson & Byron PA (Minneapolis)
Elizabeth Wefel | Flaherty & Hood PA
Aaron White | Minnesota Land Trust
Kayla Billett | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (St Paul)
Sonja Smerud | Dorsey & Whitney LLP (Minneapolis)
Alison Marwitz | Ecolab

Law Student Liaison
Mary Mejia | Law Student Liaison - MHSL
Danielle Marshall | Law Student Liaison - UST ELS
John Stack | Law Student Liaison - UMN EELS
Douglas Reuss | Law Student Liaison - St. Thomas ELS

Section Bylaws
Click here to view the most recent bylaws for the section

Section Manager

Tram Nguyen
(612) 278-6316