Appellate Practice Section

Who We Are | Our Mission

The Appellate Practice Section of the MSBA helps educate appellate practitioners, offering opportunities for those practitioners to connect with the bench, and providing pro bono training and opportunities in the appellate arena.

What We Do | Section Benefits and Activities

Appellate Practice Institute. The Section plans this full-day CLE each year (typically held in March) to offer both appellate fundamentals to those who find themselves infrequently on appeal, as well as nuanced pointers for the most seasoned appellate advocates.

Appeals Self-Help Clinic. A joint initiative of the Section and the Minnesota State Law Library, this monthly walk-in clinic is to offer brief advice for people who are representing themselves. Training is available for Self-Help Volunteers. Sign up here.

Pro Bono Appeal Network. We help facilitate a pro bono appellate project that connects attorneys with low-income individuals, to provide them opportunity to have full representation on their appeals. Interested individuals should sign up by filling out the survey at this link

Networking and Connecting. The Section hosts an annual dinner for all members of the section in May or June. All section members are welcome. Additional social events are planned throughout the year.

Share Expertise. Our Section regularly hosts events in which appellate practitioners and judges provide education and insights on burgeoning and popular topics. We respond to queries from the Minnesota Court of Appeals and Supreme Court to provide perspectives on potential rule or policy changes. We also facilitate a "mock oral argument" volunteer program, which any Section member can utilize to prepare for an upcoming appellate oral argument. To make such a request, contact Kelly Kozicky