Corporate Counsel Section

Who We Are | Our Mission

The Section was formed in 1989 (as the “Corporate Counsel Association of Minnesota”) by Minnesota corporate attorneys to provide members with the opportunity to build contacts, improve their legal knowledge, and learn from high-profile speakers, community members, and politicians. CCS members practice in corporate legal departments and private law firms.

The Section aims to provide members with the opportunity to build their professional relationships with corporate legal departments and private law firms, improve their legal knowledge and offer legal services to the community. These services are provided through continuing legal education seminars held by high-profile speakers and community leaders, community-oriented fundraising events, social/networking gatherings and outreach programs.

What We Do | Section Benefits and Activities

Some of the many membership benefits include free or reduced rates for Section-sponsored continuing legal education programs, invitations to Section events and annual meetings and other networking opportunities with CCS members and other MSBA Section members. Section members are also invited to attend Section Council meetings.