The Torrens System and Title Examination

Event Description

Deadline to Register: August 19, 2019

This program will cover the various types of title; where to research title and what is being examined; what issues to look for; where to find help or guidance; and how to frame or disclose your results. The course will also discuss the Torrens System and the original registration of title; effect of the decree of registration; rights of registered owners; transactions involving registered land; proceedings subsequent to initial registration; and registration of title without a court proceeding under Section 508A.  This course is designed specifically to help prepare attorneys for the Real Property Law Specialist Certification Examination scheduled for Saturday, April 25, 2020. This presentation is also a good review for any attorney practicing in this area.

Registration will begin at 11:45.  A light lunch is included with your registration.  The CLE presentation will be from 12:00-1:00 pm.


Barbara Buhr Gilmore | Old Republic National Title Insurance; Minneapolis

Matthew Foli | Guaranty Commercial Title; Minneapolis

CLE Credits:

1.0 Standard CLE Credits Approved | Event Code: 277326 


MSBA Member: $10
Non-MSBA Member:  $20
Law Student: Free

Remote Participation: 

Remote participation is available. Please indicate this option when registering. Instructions will be emailed to you the week day prior to the CLE. 

Want more information about the MSBA's Real Property Certification Program
To register with a check, please mail in this registration form.
Need to cancel? Please see our cancellation policy.
Questions? Contact Sue Koplin | 612-278-6318

The MSBA is committed to creating an inclusive environment in which all members can participate fully. If you need reasonable accommodations to participate in this event, please notify Sue Koplin via phone at 612-278-6318 or email:  Please provide notification at least 72 hours prior to the meeting to allow sufficient time to make arrangements for accommodations.

Register for this Event

This meeting has already occurred.

Pre-Registration is Closed

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Minnesota State Bar Association
33 South Sixth Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402