A letter from MSBA President Dyan Ebert and past President Tom Nelson: Please sign up to serve as election workers

Dear MSBA members:

“Voting is a civic sacrament.”

-Theodore Hesburgh

Minnesota has long been praised for its high voter turnout, which can be attributed, at least in part, to the nearly 30,000 election judges and poll workers, many of whom volunteer their time, to ensure polling places are convenient and efficient. This year, however, the ability of these dedicated people, a majority of whom are older citizens of our state, to fulfill this important role is being negatively impacted by the covid-19 pandemic. I write today to encourage you to sign up to serve as election judges and polling workers to ensure that the integrity of the election process in Minnesota is maintained.

In order to serve as an election judge or poll worker, you must be eligible to vote in Minnesota and able to read, write and speak English. You must also attend a required training that is approximately two hours in length. The process to sign up to serve as an election judge or poll worker is easy, simply contact any local election office for more information. You do not need to live in the jurisdiction where you serve, but you must attend the training that is required for the polling place you want to serve.

Maintaining and ensuring the ongoing integrity of Minnesota’s election process is critical, perhaps now more than ever. Please consider signing up to serve in this important role.


Dyan Ebert

MSBA President 2020-2021

Tom Nelson
MSBA President 2019-2020