Attention North Star Lawyers

This month the MSBA celebrates Pro Bono Week (October 21-25, 2019), putting a  focus on the important work of pro bono attorneys in Minnesota. It’s also a good time for MSBA members to review their pro bono hours for the year in preparation for North Star Lawyers certification. The MSBA North Star Lawyers program recognizes members who provide 50 or more hours of pro bono service during the calendar year. With just a couple of months left in 2019, now is a great time for members to see if they are on track to certify for the year. If not, contact your local or favorite legal aid provider to take another case, advise a client at a clinic, or draft a brief for a limited scope client. Members can also use ProjusticeMN (www.projusticemn.org) to find out about organizations and volunteer opportunities, or contact MSBA Public Service Director Steve Marchese (smarchese@mnbars.org/612-278-6308) for ideas. Last year, 934 MSBA attorneys provided over 110,500 hours of service and certified as 2018 North Star Lawyers. Let’s make 2019 an even bigger year for pro bono; certification will open in mid-December. For more information, check out the North Star Lawyers webpage (www.mnbar.org/NorthStar).