Join the practicelaw development community

We’re excited to let you know that practicelaw—the MSBA's collection of forms, checklists, apps, videos, and other members-only resources—has launched a new development community. In the community, members draft, edit, comment, and share ideas on the creation and maintenance of new practicelaw resources. It's a great way to work collaboratively with fellow members, and to make a valuable contribution to one of the MSBA's most popular member benefits. Members from all practice areas are welcome to request access by sending an email to Mike Carlson (mcarlson@mnbars.org). 

Membership in the development community also includes:

  • Exclusive offers: Free, developers-only CLEs, socials, and other events.
  • Monthly developer newsletter: Developer news, member recognition, tips and tricks.
  • Personalized training: Get one-on-one training for tools like Community.Lawyer, Fastcase, and other MSBA online resources. 
  • Prizes! Our top 10 most active members each earn a $50 Amazon Gift Card.