Sponsor Week | AI and Deep Fakes - Navigating the New Frontier in Digital Forensics

Event Description


Sponsor Week | CLE #3 brought to you by Computer Forensic Services

AI and deep fake technology have emerged as both revolutionary tools and significant threats. This session will delve into the intricacies of AI-generated deep fakes and their implications for the legal field. Attorneys will gain critical insights into the creation, detection, and legal ramifications of deep fakes, equipping them with the knowledge to effectively handle cases involving this cutting-edge technology.

Join us for this essential session to stay ahead of the curve in digital forensics and protect the integrity of legal processes in the age of AI.


Mark Lanterman, Computer Forensic Services
Mark Lanterman is the Chief Technology Officer of Computer Forensic Services. Before entering the private sector, Mark was a member of the U.S. Secret Service Electronic Crimes Taskforce. Mark has over 30 years of security and forensic experience and has testified in over 2000 cases.
Mark is faculty for the National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada, and has conducted training for members of the federal judiciary through the Federal Judicial Center in Washington, D.C. Mark is a professor in the cybersecurity program at the St. Thomas School of Law in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Mark has provided training in digital evidence, computer forensics and cyber security to the United States Supreme Court.

CLE Credits:

1.0 Standard CLE Credits | Event Code: TBD


Non-Members: $45 
Law Student: Free

Deadline to register: July 21, 2024

Remote Participation: This program is a webinar only. Remote instructions will be emailed to you the day prior to the event.

Payments:  Please register online or over the phone by credit card whenever possible. If you must pay by check, please use this registration form. If you need assistance, please contact the program manager.

Cancellations: Need to cancel? Please see our cancellation policy.

Accommodations:We are committed to creating an inclusive environment in which all members can participate fully. If you need reasonable accommodations to participate in this event, please notify the program manager with at least 72 hours notice prior to the meeting to allow sufficient time to make arrangements for accommodations. Thank you.

Program Manager:
Jennifer Carter

Register for this Event


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

8:30 AM to 9:30 AM

Live Webinar - Zoom