Solo Small Firm Summit

Event Description

Online registration is closed. If you would like to join please email Ashley Bollig at

The Solo Small Firm Summit is a day of CLEs designed by small-firm lawyers for small firm lawyers. This year we’re offering two tracks. One is for lawyers who are new to solo or small-firm practice, to help them find their footing whether they are just coming out of law school or stepping away from practice at a larger firm. The second track is for those of you who have been at this small-firm thing for a while, offering ideas to improve or expand your practice.

Join us virtually for the Solo Small Firm Summit, a collaborative effort by the HCBA Solo and Small Firm Section, MSBA Solo Small Practice Experience Section, MWL Solo and Small Practitioner Group, and RCBA Solo and Small Firm Section.


Tentative Schedule

9:00-10:00 AM Plenary | Disaster Preparation and Recovery for Solo and Small Law Practices
CLE Description - Disasters can come in many forms: fire, flood, tornado, high winds, theft, cyber-attack, and civil unrest. This program will discuss the what a solo small firm practitioner should do to prepare for a worst-case scenario – including technology, insurance, and risk-management practices.

Presenter Todd Scott | Attorney | Minnesota Lawyers Mutual

10:00-11:00 AM Track 1 |  How to Start a Law Firm - Important First Steps
CLE Description Coming Soon

Presenter | Susan Minsberg | Attorney | Susan Minsberg Law Office

10:00 AM-11:00 AM Track 2 | Data Privacy 101 for Minnesota Lawyers and Their Clients
CLE Description - US and international privacy law is constantly changing, and, as it changes, more businesses are subject to its regulation. This session will help you understand how those laws are currently impacting businesses, get a sense for the roadmap (or lack thereof) for new privacy and security regulation in the coming years, and start the process of evaluating your client’s privacy and security risk.

Brad Hammer | Attorney – Founder | Vakaris

11:00 -12:00 PM Track 1 | Pathways to Finding Your Own Niche in the Law

CLE Description - There are many ways to find your own area of practice. Each of our panelists have found their own niche, by combining strengths and interests or taking advantage of serendipity.

Our panelists will share their experiences and help us draw some lessons for developing your own niche in law practice.

Presenters | Katherine Bloomquist Freitag | Bloomquist Law Firm, LLC

Katie Lichty | Assistant General Counsel and Lead IP Counsel | Land O’Lakes, Inc

Louis Smith | Smith Partners PLLP

Jill Sauber | Managing Attorney | Sauber Legal Services

Karen Cole | Owner | Premium Legal Writing

11:00 AM-12:00 PM Track 2 | Tips from the Trenches - Behind the Scenes With the Neutrals
CLE Description - With the pandemic, most civil trials were subject to multiple delays, making effective use of alternate forms for dispute resolution a necessity for litigants.  In this CLE you will hear from experienced practitioners who serve as mediators, arbitrators, appraisers and umpires on the different types of dispute resolution you may wish to consider, how to maximize your effectiveness as an advocate for your clients and receive practical advice on what works and what does not.  Designed for advocates who wish to hone their ADR skills and develop new strategies to effectively represent their clients in ADR solutions outside of court.

Adina Bergstrom | Partner | Sauro & Bergstrom, PLLC

Brenda M. Sauro | Partner | Sauro & Bergstrom, PLLC

12:00 PM-12:15 PM Break - Grab your lunch

12:15 PM-1:00 PM Networking Rounds

1:00 PM-2:00 PM Plenary | Elimination of Bias through Ethics, Inclusion, and Professionalism - The New Model Rule 8.4(g)
CLE Description - Model Rule of Professional Conduct 8.4(g) now prohibits discrimination and harassment in all conduct related to the practice of law. This session will address attorneys’ ethical obligations in the context of eliminating bias, fostering inclusion and professionalism, and avoiding "bad behavior" that can now rise to the level of a breach of the rules of professional conduct.

Kristine Kubes | Principal | Kubes Law Office, PLLC

2:00 PM-3:00 PM Track 1 | Building Your Business. You Want To Go Where Everybody Knows Your Name - Lessons From the Hospitality Industry
CLE Description - This relatable approach to working with people, will help attendees see their practice through the eyes of others. What is the image, personality, approach that is you and your firm? This seminar will discuss different ways to take standard practices from the aptly named Hospitality Industry and apply them to the way you run your practice. The ideas range from easily ignored common sense ideas to specific suggestions that are not so common to legal practitioners. Grow your practice with new (and old) ideas that help you stand out from the crowd.

Rebecca Bell | Attorney & Founder | rb LEGAL

2:00 PM-3:00 PM Track 2 | Collections for Solos: Ten (10) critical credit and collections considerations for attorneys in private practice
CLE Description - This program highlight best practices – from economic, ethical, and personal perspectives for attorneys in private practice to deal with such issues as: onboarding new clients, determining fee arrangements, using engagement agreements, using retainers, invoicing clients, dismissing clients, collecting from clients (both voluntarily and involuntarily), and dealing with other standard credit and collection issues attorneys face in private practice.

Presenter | George Warner | Founding Attorney | Warner Law

CLE Credits:

Event Code: 460017
1.0 Elimination of Bias CLE Credit Approved
4.0 Standard CLE Credits Approved



Register By: 11:59PM May 2, 2022

Remote Participation:  Remote instructions will be emailed to you the day before the CLE

Payments: Due to the pandemic, accounting staff have limited access to the office making the processing of checks difficult. We request that you register online or over the phone by credit card whenever possible. If you need assistance, please contact the program manager.  If you must pay by check, please use this registration form.

Cancellations: Need to cancel? Please see our cancellation policy .

Accommodations: The MSBA is committed to creating an inclusive environment in which all members can participate fully. If you need reasonable accommodations to participate in this event, please notify the program manager.  Please provide notification at least 72 hours prior to the meeting to allow sufficient time to make arrangements for accommodations. Thank you.

Program Manager:
Ashley Bollig

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This meeting has already occurred.

Pre-Registration is Closed

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

9:00 AM to 3:00 PM