Advancing Equity in the Law- A Professional Challenge, Not a Gender Issue

Event Description

Online Registration is Closed. To register, email Kara at

Women+ and other caregivers navigate many challenges when trying to climb the professional ladder in the legal field while raising a family, caring for elderly or vulnerable adults, or those with special needs. These struggles were highlighted during the pandemic and in articles from that time. One ABA article suggested that lack of advancement was a problem for women who choose (at their own peril) to place too much focus on their personal caregiving responsibilities, rather than on advancement. An outpouring of disagreement ensued and the ABA President at the time responded with a counter article, noting that it's not a ‘gender’ problem but rather, a 'profession' problem. A separate Reuters article breaks them both down.

So, what has changed in the past couple of years? During that time, the MSBA has advocated with a petition at the courts for a personal leave rule that allows more space for these caregivers to balance their obligations as well as for those that may be facing a physical or mental health or substance abuse issue. The petition was discussed at a Minnesota Supreme Court hearing in late 2023 and a decision could come anytime. What effect could this personal leave rule have on the profession?

Join us for a CLE will take place in a roundtable Zoom meeting format and will not be recorded, allowing attendees the ability to engage in a facilitated conversation about navigating being a lawyer and a caregiver..

CLE Presenters:
Stephanie Balmer | Partner, Falsani, Balmer, Peterson & Balmer

Jessica Klander | Shareholder and Chief Operating Officer, Bassord Remele

Heather Mendiola | Supervising Attorney, Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services

Molly Ryan | Of Counsel, Jackson Lewis

CLE Credits:  1.0 Elimination of Bias CLE Credit

Civil Litigation Section Members: Free
MSBA Member: $15
Non-Member: $45
New Admittee/Law Student: Free

Registration Deadline:  Monday, April 22nd. To register after that time, email the program manager.

Program Manager: Kara Haro | | 612-278-6329

Payments/Cancellations: Please register online or over the phone by credit card whenever possible. If you must pay by check, please use this registration form. Need to cancel? Please see our cancellation policy .

Accommodations: We are committed to creating an inclusive environment in which all members can participate fully. If you need reasonable accommodations to participate in this event, please notify the program manager with at least 72 hours notice prior to the meeting to allow sufficient time to make arrangements for accommodations. Thank you.


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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Live Webinar - Zoom

Remote: 124