Emerging Issues in Long-Term Care 2024

Long-term care and services from the Minnesota Department of Human Services (“MDHS”).  MDHS will provide an update and information on the following four key areas that are on the move that currently are or will impact many of the clients served in Elder Law:  1) Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (“MAEPD”); 2) Waiver Reimagine; 3) Roll out of MN Choices Revision assessment; and 4) Medical Assistance Unwinding.  We are grateful to MDHS for providing four panelists with depth of knowledge in these four areas to share important and current information with us, as well as what to expect in the future. 

 In addition, the current Task Force on Aging, approved by the legislature last year, has convened and is engaging in a robust conversation with a variety of professionals and individuals regarding issues facing our aging population.  We will receive an update on the current Task Force discussions and possible future considerations for the legislature.  Finally, as time allows, we will hear about various bills making their way through the legislature that may affect Minnesotans receiving long-term care.

This CLE sponsored by the Elder Law Section will address these topics to help elder law attorneys and professionals navigate legal concerns on behalf of older and vulnerable adults.

This CLE is approved for credit through May 23, 2026.

Sally Barlow, JD | Legal Coordinator | Health Care Eligibility and Access , Minnesota Department of Human Services – Discussing MA Unwinding
Vikas Chopra, JD | Supervisor (ABD) | Health Care Eligibility and Access, Minnesota Department of Human Services - Discussing MA-EPD
Jeremy Wilson, JD | Health Care Eligibility Policy Consultant (ABD) | Health Care Eligibility and Access, Minnesota Department of Human Services - Discussing MA-EPD
Heidi Hamilton, MPH | Division Director | Disability Services Division, Minnesota Department of Human Services – Discussing Waiver Reimagine and MN Choices Assessment
Natasha Merz | Assistant Commissioner | Aging and Disability Services Administration, Minnesota Department of Human Services - Discussing Waiver Reimagine and MN Choices Assessment
Kathleen Kelso | Board Member | Elder Voice Advocates – Discussing the Minnesota Task Force on Aging
Maureen Schneider | Interim Chair | Minnesota Board on Aging

Suzanne Scheller | Counselor at Law | Attorney, Scheller Legal Solutions, LLC

CLE Credits:
2.0 Standard CLE Credits approved | Event Code: 507294

MSBA Members:  $49.95
Non-MSBA Members:  $99.95



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