What Environmental (and Other) Attorneys Should Know About the Role of Lobbying and Government Affairs Representation

In our representative democracy, what are the roles of lobbyists and governmental affairs professionals. Join us for a panel that will explore how they help municipalities, businesses and non-profits engage with policymakers and stakeholders to share their public policy perspectives and priorities. The panel will also address what triggers lobbying reporting requirements and who is a lobbyist for rulemaking and legislative engagement under Minnesota law. Could it be you and you don’t realize it?

This CLE is approved for credit through May 23, 2026.

Doug Stang | Head of Government Affairs | LegalZoom
Elizabeth Wefel | Senior Attorney and Lobbyist | Flaherty & Hood

CLE Credits:
1.0 Standard CLE Credit approved | Event Code: 507288

MSBA Members:  $29.95
Non-MSBA Members:  $64.95



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