Get to Know Andrew Rorvig

Andrew Rorvig is a personal injury lawyer and partner at McEllistrem, Fargione, Rorvig and Moe. On July 1, he began his term as RCBA president for the 2024-2025 bar year.

What is something you never get tired of talking about?

The need for civic engagement by all of us. I am always trying to pitch people on volunteering with non-profit organizations. The success of our schools, neighborhoods, and professions depends on our participation where we can, as our community exchanges ideas and finds solutions.

How and why did you get involved in RCBA leadership?

I initially joined the RCBA Board because of the wonderful people, many of whom were my friends. I stayed and got involved in leadership because I wanted to continue the work of having a local bar association that provided community, had fun, and supported lawyers at all levels of experience.

What do you think makes an effective leader?

I do not pretend to have all the answers. I prefer collaboration to find solutions.

What is one thing you’re excited about for the 2024-2025 bar year?

The RCBA Board is partnering with the Saint Paul Chamber of Commerce on a survey with downtown law firms to see what is working, what is not, and how we can help.

What led you to personal injury law? What do you like about being a personal injury attorney?

My paternal grandfather was a farmer who attended country school and only had an elementary school education. He always championed the underdog. I decided to become a personal injury lawyer because I wanted to be an advocate for the same underdogs. Each time I try a case, I think of my grandfather and hope he is proud of my work.

What is one skill you learned outside of practicing law that has helped you as an attorney?

How to deal with the disappointment of losing. I have played and coached a lot of sports, both as a kid and an adult. I learned that winning is great, but losing is a constant reality. Being able to lose, dust myself off, and keep trying is a skill that I learned from sports.

Do you have any advice for someone looking to find meaningful volunteer work in their community?

This is one of my favorite questions! It is very easy. Ask yourself what you feel passionate about and then find an organization that matches. There are so many great organizations (big and small). The key is to get involved. There is such great joy in serving others!

Tell us about your work with the Saint Paul Parks Conservancy on the Smith Avenue bridge.

Former U.S. Senator Dave Durenberger was a special friend of mine. Through our friendship I learned of his involvement with the “High Bridge” (Smith Avenue) in Saint Paul. The bridge had become so dilapidated it was set to be demolished in 1985. Due to federal design criteria, the timeline for a new bridge was extensive and would have been disastrous for business and residents. Fueled by his special affection for Saint Paul, Senator Durenberger was able to pass an Amendment to the 1984 Highway Act the resulted in a replacement “High Bridge” that still stands today was built on time, under budget, and acclaimed by architectural historian Larry Millet as a “beauty of a bridge.” 

To recognize this achievement, we were able to collaborate with the Saint Paul Parks Conservancy to commemorate Dave’s legacy with a sign at the top of the bridge explaining this important history. If you get a chance, stop by and see it. My hope is that someday soon the bridge will be named after my friend Dave, for all he did for both the Capital City and the North Star State.

What are a few businesses in Ramsey County that you love to support?

I love a steamy bowl of pho 365 days of the year. In Saint Paul and Ramsey County, we have so many great spots to grab a bowl. I am partial to iPho on University and Dale and Pho 79 in Energy Park. But there are so many more. Let me know what your favorite is.

What is something you’ve been enjoying or recommending lately?

I just started reading A Season for That: Lost and Found in the Other Southern France by local Minnesota author Steve Hoffman. It is about his adventures with this family in one of my favorite regions in France—the Languedoc. I mean, who doesn’t love great red wine and fantastic fresh and local dishes?