Law Day 2024: Honorable Mention Essay

By Dylan L.

As a student who loves going outdoors a lot, and walking through nature and the wonders of the world, I like to look at the beautiful water, the lake's stream flow, and how the tree whooshes through the wind, and how our seasons will be like in the near future for Minnesota. But there will always be issues occurring such as deforestation throughout County areas, the increase of burning fossil fuels, CO2 emissions, and so much waste being thrown at to hurt our environment. In taking my role as a leader, I could use the help with many other students at Harding High School to petition against fossil fuel burnings and have a much cleaner stable ecosystem in Minnesota, by having this petition signed by many others, this gives us recognition and as well a voice in Minnesota. Just as deforestation kills the living of many animals, we could be conserving these forests as State Parks, otherwise as nature walking areas for those who love hiking. As Minnesota has over ten thousand lakes, we want to protect these clean waters for our fishes. What we could do is do volunteer work in cleaning our lakes, and enforcing our lakeside beaches as well. Recycling is the biggest good habit that we could be using, because as we throw away food, plastic, clothing, and any material, this hurts our greenhouse emissions wastes, I could influences others by making recycling a good habit, and as well get the attention of social media to help with these greenhouse emissions that we could be benefitting to the environment.

With these in mind, we as well want to speak with representatives who want to benefit our climate change causes as well. So what I could do is form a support group whom have concerns of climate change and bring all these problems that are unspoken of, to our representatives. This goes for electoral campaigns as well that we look for, we want to vote for those who have great cut-downs and ideas for fossil fuels, CO2 emissions, greenhouse waste, and much more concerns that they’ll help us with. With their ideas, we could wide-spread promote their campaigns, volunteer with them, alongside with having the person representing our ideas helping us with climate change causes, and speaking up against it.

With these benefitting goals for society, there are so many ways of promoting our causes and spreading the news to people. For more information, we want to stay up-to-date with the latest news in our cause, and fight for climate change. We also want to collaborate with other organizations, and gain sponsorships so we are able to wide-spread the word.