
Minnesota Court Opinions - How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe

By Mary Warner posted 06-30-2023 11:21 AM


Fastcase, the legal research platform that is free to Bar Associations members, offers Minnesota Court Opinions, which are summaries of Minnesota cases. Subscribers to Minnesota Court Opinions can choose from a variety of categories, such as State of Minnesota Criminal Cases, State of Minnesota Civil Cases, Federal Criminal or Civil Digests, a Tax Cases Digest, and more, with each digest delivered to your email address.

To Subscribe

To subscribe to Minnesota Court Opinions, take the following steps:

  1. Log in to Fastcase. You'll find a link to Fastcase from MSBA's home page (circled in green in the image below). You'll be asked to log in to Fastcase using your MSBA user name and password once you click the link if you are not already logged in.

2. Click on the 9-squares icon in the upper right corner of Fastcase. This will reveal a drop-down menu. Select Minnesota Court Ops. from this menu.

3. A screen will pop up that allows you to select the digests you want to receive by email. On this page, you can also change the email address to where you want the digests sent (pointed out with the green arrow in the image below).

Once you make your changes on this page, click the Submit button (by the turquoise arrow below) to save them. You should start receiving your digests within a week.

To Unsubscribe

To unsubscribe from Minnesota Court Opinion digests, navigate back to the page listing the digests and uncheck the ones you no longer wish to receive. Click on the Submit button to save your changes. The digests should stop arriving within a week. If they continue beyond a week's time, contact for assistance.


